Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Religion is a funny thing

  • Definition of man

    noun (plural men /mɛn/)

    a human being of either sex; a person:
    God cares for all men
  • (also Man) [in singular] human beings in general; the human race:places untouched by the ravages of man

    Definition of mankind

    -/manˈkʌɪnd/ human beings considered collectively; the human race:

    Leviticus 18:22

    Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

    There's a few crazy things I dont understand. So does this mean lesbians are going to heave? The King James Bible version just mentions mankind not laying with mankind. Or does this mean that the all encompassing collective of the human race isn't allowed to lay with each other.

    At the point of God telling moses that mankind should not lie with mankind as womankind, then that kind of says we shouldn't have been around past the times of Moses.

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