Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The way the world ends

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but with
Self-involved yuppies
Hippies that speak but never do
And too cool for school hipsters.

I truly believe this is how the world will end. There will be no aliens, no sky net, no natural cataclysmic event. It will be the people that don't care about anything except themselves. It will end by the people that speak up but never take any action. It's a cowards way out.

Day in and day out these three types walk by and just stare or pretend not to hear me. I may be giving them the most important piece of information ever told and they would not look my way. I don't expect the
To take the board or sign. I just expect those who have the ability to listen should listen.

I weep for the future of our country. I watch people day by day walk past me without even a glint of notice. I know they feel my presence but they just walk on by. I speak just a few words of need from the community to help others and to sustain our environment. But they just keep walking. Some do look at me and stare at me with nothing in there eyes.


katie said...

hi kyle! what is it that you are trying to tell people?

Kyle Helstein said...

I live in a town full of people who talk like they care about our children's future, care about the environment and care about many different causes but they are never willing to do anything about it. A lot of people in Portland just like to talk but when they can actually do something to change things for the better they are too self-involved to stop and listen. Because they arent willing to listen thats how the world ends. They care so little to do anything that they let the world rot around them.

BTW Thanks for being the first person to comment on my blog. I dont write very often.