Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows

Have you ever felt like the people in your life, who you thought were important and who seemed to be close, slowly fade away? I generally think that when you are faced with the impending doom of friendships theres always a guiding light that leads you and these people out. Usually determined to find this light, there are those who deny it and subconsciously fend it off by ignoring that theres any problem.

Sometimes I stare at the wall with unfocused eyes are remember at the good times that i have had with people and all the awkward and bad times. The blank wall acts as a movie screen giving me the chance to relive these encounters in a vivid 3D. It also gives me a way to change the memories. That probably isn't the best way to do things. What I used to perceive and how things always are were never one in the same. 

Maybe I should just step away. Delete the things I dont need and forget the memories.

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