Friday, June 8, 2012

My thoughts on Prometheus

This may contain some Spoilers.

After some deliberation with Courtney on the car ride home, I would give Prometheus a 2 1/2 out of five stars. It left me with more questions than answers and was just sci fi enough to keep my attention. It's half a star above the whole twilight saga because it's one of those movies you can have playing in the background and not really pay attention to.For how long the movie is, it seemed like a lot of things were rushed and unexplained. If there is a second one I hope they explain some shit. Or maybe Ridley Scott can come out with a book to explain some of the shit in the movie.

honestly I could have went without spending the money on it and stayed home and watched movies. I thought this movie was also more of the space jockeys and tell more of their story and where they came from. And adding the element in the beginning..........spoilers.........of where we as a human race came from has already been done also. Even some of the characters didnt even matter in the end. Like Charlize Theron, what was the point of her character, reallly? Any other character could have done what she did.

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