Saturday, June 30, 2012

If Ohio is for lovers than Portland is for the uneducated.

As I walk up and down Hawthorne talking to people about education, and being said no to time and time again, I have realized that the baby boomers and the people of my generation are okay wife along with uneducated people the rest of their lives. They are okay with whining about how poor the education system is here and giving opinions on how we should change it. But when I mention the changes we could make to help the next generation be literate in more ways than one they smile and look at me with such a blank stare.

Is everyone in this town so self obsessed that they can't for a moment think of the implications that not having educated people in this town would be?

But of course these self absorbed yuppies and hipsters must get to their hair appointments or their jobs at the local thrift store and boutique. Or even the coffee shop where they work part time Nd the rest of the time spent reading books about the world and whining about the problems than taking any action.

Is this what our people have become?


Anonymous said...

Yea. Portland is extremely uneducated and uncultured.

Anonymous said...

Yea. Portland is extremely uneducated and uncultured.